Born in Colombia and a proud resident of Pembroke Pines for over two decades, Maria Rodriguez embodies the spirit of diversity, community, and dedicated public service.

Having grown up in Pembroke Pines and attended both Silver Trail Middle School and West Broward High School, she intimately understands the needs and aspirations of our neighborhoods. She is committed to providing the same opportunities for a safe, inclusive, and caring community to future generations.

With a deep-seated passion for advocating for youth and Hispanic representation in local government, Maria has tirelessly worked to uplift her community. Her extensive experience in local government and civic engagement, especially as a communications and outreach coordinator for Broward County Commission District 7, encompassing parts of Pembroke Pines, has finely tuned her skill in effectively connecting residents with the services and aid they need. Recognizing the importance of transparency and accessibility, she has been steadfast in her commitment to informing residents about the wealth of resources and events available to them.

In addition to her community work, Maria is a successful entrepreneur who brings her creative spirit to life through Glam Picnic Co, a thriving small business that specializes in crafting unforgettable events.

With an unwavering dedication to progress and a fresh perspective, she aspires to usher in a new era of inclusive governance and meaningful change as a Pembroke Pines City Commissioner.

A dedicated community servant!


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